What is it?
On the last Saturday of February, since 2010, Almonte’s beautiful downtown hosts “Mid- Winter Milling”. Many Downtown Almonte shop owners host a spiritual, health and/or self-awareness practitioner from 10am-5pm within their own shop. There are a variety of readers — card readers, a Turkish coffee reader, mediums — as well as energy healers and massage therapists. The variety of modalities, as well as the size of the event, changes every year.
How does it work?
Head to the store that has your TOP practitioner at 10 am and sign-up right away then head to the next store and sign up there. THERE IS NO SIGNING UP IN ADVANCE so you’ve got to be quick! The practitioners are paid directly for the session, in cash (usually $20-$60).
Who is participating this year?
Check out this large list of practitioners and their location that came out in the latest edition of the Humm!
What else is there to do in Almonte?
Shop, shop SHOP! There are so many great shops in the downtown core. Absolutely something for everyone. Great clothing stores and antique stores galore!
If art galleries are more your thing, there are a couple of those too!
There are awesome restaurants and café’s too. Whether you are looking for a gourmet meal or a quick sandwich you will be totally covered….all within walking distance.
Who are you hoping to book a session with???