Lanark County has hiking trails for days! Whether you are an expert hiker or are looking for a slower pace, there is something to suit everyone’s needs!
The Mill of Kintail (2854 Ramsay Concession 8, Almonte)
This scenic, year-round, spot is a favourite of many. It is operated by the Mississippi Mills Conservation Authority and is taken very good care of. The trails (some bike shared) are well groomed and marked and the setting is gorgeous. There are lots of spots to sit alongside the Indian River and the museum is an added bonus!
High Lonesome Nature Reserve (867 Carbine Rd, Pakenham)
This gorgeous 200-acre spot is operated by the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust and has gorgeous well marked trails suitable for most! The trails take you through beautiful settings and you are sure to see some wildlife as you go.
Blueberry Mountain Trail (502 Hills of Peace Rd, Lanark)
Another MMLT operated property that is over 1250 acres! A network of hiking trails on the property lead to such scenic natural features as Blueberry Mountain and Pike’s Peak, two of the highest elevations in Lanark County. As you follow the trail up the mountain you follow a picturesque waterfall which tumbles down a series of rock cliffs.
Baird Trail (1024 Herron Mills Rd, Lanark)
The Baird trail is .8 km in a circular route, and is one of the most beautiful trails around. Various points are marked with ecological values and one can find the most humungous individual maple and beech trees in the area. Old rail fences indicate farming practices of long ago and the forty year old red pine plantations under a Lanark County Forest Agreement provide a quiet sanctuary from the outside world. The property is halved by a fine boardwalk, affording a good view of the wetlands. Great for families!
Purdon Conservation Area (Concession Rd 8, Lanark Highlands)
Orchid Colony and Purdons Lake is a 2.1 kilometer loop trail located near Lanark Highlands that features a great forest setting and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for hiking and walking. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. For 2-3 weeks in June/July there is a large and gorgeous display of lady slippers that is a huge hit!
What is your FAVOURITE hiking spot???