Many people don’t know what gratitude is or where to start, here are some examples of where to start.

Express your gratitude in person
When a friend, family member, colleague or client goes above and beyond be sure to verbalize your appreciation.  A way to show your appreciation could be to just stop by their house or office and treat them to lunch or coffee. When you make time for those who are important to you, the lasting impression that this leaves can be endlessly rewarding.

Volunteer in your community
If you have spare time, choose a volunteer opportunity that requires a few hours every 2 weeks or even once a month. Volunteering gives you something positive to look forward to and is a good way to give back to your community. An act of kindness does even more for you than those you’re serving.

Stop Complaining
Every time you complain you reinforce a negative state of mind without offering a solution to the problem. It’s natural to want to complain when something bad happens, but instead try to take a few deep breaths and focus on something positive or something you’re looking forward to.

Write in a Journal
There are many ways to express your gratitude. One way is to write in a journal or even jot notes down in your phone. You want to focus on writing the positive things that have happened to you and what you are grateful for each day. Include small things like someone holding the door for you, or someone paying for your order. It’s easy to forget the small things that make you happy, which is why it’s important to write it down so you can have something to look back at.

Show respect for others around you
If you are going to get a bite to eat or even just something to drink, consider asking anyone in your household if they need anything while you’re out. By doing small things like getting someone something at the store while you’re out or holding the door open for others, you’re making that person feel appreciated. You want to treat others with the same level of courtesy you expect others to receive.

What are you grateful for today?